Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Saturday, April 20, 2019

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The Short Story of a Fox and a Mouse (Short) - ESMA

A lonesome fox hunts a small mouse in the snow, as foxes do, until two owls get involved and change the dynamic of this Short Story of a Fox and a Mouse. Presented by CGMeetup, this 2017 CGI animation was created by École Supérieure des Métiers Artistiques (ESMA) student directors Camille Chaix,...

Thursday, April 11, 2019

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Easter Lily Land in Northern California

The Easter Lily make a great centerpiece to any Easter dinner surrounded by family and friends. And it’s very likely they were grown right here in Northern California. The fertile land in Smith River, California, sitting in the very northwest corner of California, is home to less than 900 residents, but roughly 95 precent...

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Monday, April 8, 2019

Thursday, April 4, 2019


Uninami Strandbeest - Theo Jansen

A new design that hearkens to Theo Jansen‘s original kinetic structures from the early 1990s, the PVC tube-constructed Uminami Strandbeest doesn’t get sand into its joints and requires no lubrication to move smoothly. Watch as it speeds across the sand on a beach, presumably not far from Ypenburg in The Netherlands where Jansen lives and works. Desktop-sized...

Monday, April 1, 2019