Monday, March 30, 2020

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Cats and Domino - Cat Navi Desk

Line after line of dominoes fall in front of, around, and sometimes because of two calm bell-ringing cats in Cats and domino, a beautifully composed screen-link video by Japan-based YouTuber Cat Navi Desk. See each cat watch and interact with the domino chain reaction that ultimately leads them to their prize: Freshly-dispensed cat food.
You can follow Cat Navi Desk on InstagramTwitter, and YouTube.
cats and domino
cats and dominoes
domino chain reaction

Friday, March 27, 2020

Thursday, March 26, 2020

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How to Pass the Salt While Social Distancing

Teapots pour. Laptops slide. Apples roll. Ping pong balls hover. Mushrooms and carrots rotate into place. An amazing amount of intricate food-themed contraptions come together to Pass the Salt in this collaboration between quirky Rube Goldberg machine creator Joseph’s Machines and chain reaction YouTuber Sprice Machines.
pass the salt rube goldberg machine
pass the salt rube goldberg machine
How did the screen-linked machine come together? A lot of fails and adjustments. Joseph Herscher notes, “That mushroom was so annoying because it was drying up and kept changing how it rolled the longer it took to film. Took about 10 takes.”
pass the salt rube goldberg machine
After you’ve watched the video above, check out Sprice’s Secrets Revealed video. It goes behind the scenes with how the chain reactions were created, including fails, LEGO wheels for laptops and heavy, hacked apples. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Friday, March 20, 2020


AGU's Collection of Virtual Field Trips

Spring in the northern hemisphere is the time for students pile into vans with camping gear, rock hammers, pocket transits and field notebooks, and head out to explore the marvels of the Earth’s surface. It is a wonderful part of learning Earth science. But those trips are off as another kind of science — epidemiology — takes precedence. Luckily for students today, the COVID-19 pandemic doesn’t mean they have to lose every aspect of field trips. Virtual field trips like those highlighted below are a way for students to experience geology, and at very least prime them for the real thing, when we’re all on the other side of the current societal crisis.

Check out all of the HERE

Sunday, March 8, 2020