Saturday, July 20, 2019

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Rolling Through the Bay - Scott Weaver

This nine foot tall wooden sculpture of San Francisco was made with glue and 105,387 and a half toothpicks. It was built by Scott Weaver who, stuck at home at the age of 14 with spinal meningitis, started working in earnest on the project and continued on it for 37 years. It has 10 different starting points and...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

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How to Make a Self-Starting Siphon

To move liquid from one container to another, you may need a siphon, a bent tube with one end that’s lower than the first. Suction is one way to get the liquid moving through it, but if you don’t have a pump and you don’t want to suck on the end of the tube—something to avoid with liquids you don’t want to breathe or drink—how can you get the liquid moving? In this clip from Australia’s The...

Monday, July 8, 2019

DIY Natural Inks

A little bit about light and pigments: A pigment is what gives a color its color. It is a material that changes the color of reflected or transmitted light of an object. Light appears white, but it is made up of all the colors added together. We see those colors separated out in a rainbow or a prism. These colors...