Monday, February 24, 2020


New Desalination Plant Proposed in Orange County - Orange County Register

The contraption, reminiscent of Rube Goldberg, would produce two of Southern California’s most precious and essential resources: water and electricity. The electricity would be renewable. And the drought-proof, desalinated ocean water could prove more environmentally friendly — and cheaper — than the water produced...

Sunday, February 16, 2020


Recycled Paper Animal Scupltures - Chie Hitotsuyama

Using rolled strips of repurposed newspaper, cut and painstakingly placed using wood glue, Japanese artist Chie Hitotsuyama creates beautifully detailed, three-dimensional sculptures of wild animals… walruses, rabbits, sea turtles, iguanas, monkeys, dugongs, and more. Her work is inspired by the unnoticed...

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

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What's Inside? Tinkering Videos by Dina A. Amin

Cairo-based tinkerer and stop-motion filmmaker dina A. Amin created this short animation featuring four gadgets that she took apart piece by piece: A walkman, a phone, a hairdryer, and a camera. See them up close before they scatter into neatly arranged parts. It’s an extension of her Tinker...

Tuesday, February 4, 2020