Sunday, June 22, 2014


Kew Gardens / LonelyLeap Collaboration Botany Videos

KEW GARDENS - Beyond the Gardens: The Fungarium from LONELYLEAP on Vimeo.\

KEW GARDENS - Beyond the Gardens: The Millennium Seed Bank Partnership from LONELYLEAP on Vimeo.

Most people know Kew Gardens as home of the world’s largest living plant collection but are not aware that it is also the location of an internationally important botanical research and educational institution. Going beyond the gardens as we know them, Lonelyleap produced two films for 2012’s Tropical Extravaganza Festival which showcase the behind the scenes work of Kew’s scientists whilst also exploring two of the festival’s themes, Earth and Air.
The first in the series explores the importance of fungi to all plants and ultimately all life on Earth through several members of the Mycology Department committed to the conservation and exploration of fungi.
The second film in the series looks at the work of the the Millennium Seed Bank Partnership in Surrey, home to 10% of the world’s plant diversity, and how the Seed Conservation Department is helping to save wild plants and habitats for our future.

And a bonus!

KEW GARDENS - Beyond the Gardens: The Plant Family Tree from LONELYLEAP on Vimeo.


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