Let's Make some Great Fingerprint Art from Marion Deuchars on Vim...
Monday, July 28, 2014
Saturday, July 26, 2014
The Postal System from A to B - Ruben van der Vleuten

This hidden camera adventure through the postal system, From A to B, began when Ruben van der Vleuten wanted to know, ”What happens when you send something by mail?”
So instead of sitting back I started a simple project to actually see it myself. I put a small camera in a box, build a timer circuit...
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
My Financial Career - Gerald Potterton (1962)
An animated film based on Stephen Leacock's witty account of a young man's first brush with banking. When he tries to make his deposit, he is so intimidated by the institution that nothing he says comes out right.
Directed by Gerald Potterton - 1...