Saturday, July 26, 2014


The Postal System from A to B - Ruben van der Vleuten

This hidden camera adventure through the postal system, From A to B, began when Ruben van der Vleuten wanted to know, What happens when you send something by mail?
So instead of sitting back I started a simple project to actually see it myself. I put a small camera in a box, build a timer circuit using Arduino and shipped it.
That’s as simple as it is. The timer circuit was set to make a 3 sec video every minute and make longer videos while the box was moving: to not miss on the ‘interesting’ parts.
…like conveyor belts! We love videos like this, not only because we get to see from a perspective that we’ve never seen before, but because it would make a great DIY project.
hidden camera in the postal system
Check out van der Vleuten’s site to see more about the box, its innerworkings, and a highlights video with some real time clips.

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