Monday, October 30, 2017


Tinker Friday - Dina A. Amin

What’s inside an old optical mouse? How many pieces are they made from? How might they be reimagined? Cairo-based product designer dina A. Amin made a hobby from these questions, turning it into a delightful side project that she calls Tinker Friday. She writes: Every Friday I pick a random “about to be thrown away” product (from my growing collection of donated e-waste)....

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Saturday, October 28, 2017

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Making a Rice Straw Animal for the Wara Art Festival

A wooden framework and curved plastic pipes provide a solid structure for ‘knit’ bundles of wara or rice straw, the byproduct of the season’s rice harvest. As volunteers work together to tie and wrap the bundles into place, an oversized straw animal is revealed. It’s one of many specially designed sculptures...