Monday, October 30, 2017


Tinker Friday - Dina A. Amin

What’s inside an old optical mouse? How many pieces are they made from? How might they be reimagined? Cairo-based product designer dina A. Amin made a hobby from these questions, turning it into a delightful side project that she calls Tinker Friday. She writes:
Every Friday I pick a random “about to be thrown away” product (from my growing collection of donated e-waste). I disassemble it, rearrange it back into something else and make a stop motion animation story out of its parts. I’ve been doing this for almost 8 months now, and made over 20 videos. I like to show people what’s inside their products in an interesting way. I think we rarely see what’s inside a product so we treat it as one whole piece, and it makes it easier to discard things; we throw away one thing and not many! But there are many things inside… and many possibilities!
Amin is brilliant at transforming these normally unseen pieces into adorable characters and bite-sized stories. Click each Instagram video to watch:

Follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

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